American Academy in Rome, Arthur & Janet C. Ross Library, Barbara Goldsmith Rare Book Room
Boston Public Library
Bryn Mawr College
Buffalo and Erie County Public Library
California State Library, Sutro Library
University of California, Berkeley, The Bancroft Library
University of California, Davis, Shields Library
University of California, Riverside, Tomás Rivera Library, Special Collections & Archives
University of Chicago
City College of New York, Morris R. Cohen Library, Archives and Special Collections
Columbia University Libraries and Barnard College Library
Conception Abbey, Library
Cornell University
University of Dayton
Folger Shakespeare Library
Fordham University, Archives and Special Collections
Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections
General Theological Seminary, Christoph Keller, Jr. Library
The Grolier Club
Harvard University, Houghton Library
The Huntington
Indiana University Bloomington, Lilly Library
Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Library
University of Kansas, Kenneth Spencer Research Library
Lehigh University
University of Missouri, Ellis Library
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Spencer Art Reference Library
Newberry Library
New York Academy of Medicine
New York Public Library
New York University, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
Oberlin College, Oberlin College Library Special Collections
The Ohio State University
University of Oregon, Special Collections & University Archives
University of Pennsylvania, Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts
Princeton University
Providence Public Library
Rochester Institute of Technology
University of Rochester
Rutgers University, New Brunswick Libraries
Saint Louis University
San Francisco State University, J. Paul Leonard Library
Science History Institute
Smith College, Special Collections, Mortimer Rare Book Collection
University of Texas at Austin, Harry Ransom Center
Tufts University, Tisch Library Special Collections
Vassar College
University of Vermont, Silver Special Collections Library
The Walters Art Museum, Manuscripts and Rare Books
Wellesley College
Western Michigan University
Williams College
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Yale University, Beinecke Library
Welcome to Digital Scriptorium!
Digital Scriptorium (DS) is a growing consortium of North American institutions with collections of global premodern manuscripts. DS is dedicated to building an online national union catalog built on Linked Open Data technologies and practices for premodern manuscripts in US collections.
The addition of current DS Member Institution data is ongoing. Recent data additions to the DS Catalog include contributions from:
- University of Chicago
- Newberry Library
- Rochester Institute of Technology
- Bryn Mawr College
- Wellesley College
- Jewish Theological Seminary of America
This now brings the DS Catalog to nearly 18,000 records representing 39 different institutions/collections. We are also continuing to process records from other member institutions, including manuscripts held at Williams College, the California State Library, Columbia University, and Princeton University.
Institutions are represented in the DS Catalog depending upon contribution of their data to DS. If records for a member institution are not yet available, please check back or follow our progress by subscribing to the DS newsletter.
Use the DS Catalog to
- Access and research manuscript data across member institutions
- Bookmark results and save searches
- Link to external authorities for richer context and deeper data exploration
- Query the DS Wikibase SPARQL Endpoint for advanced search and discovery within the DS Catalog and beyond
Questions about the new DS Catalog?
Learn more about the project here.
Is your institution interested in joining DS?
Learn more about membership here.
Member benefits include:
- Transformation of your structured manuscript metadata into Linked Open Data
- Representation of your manuscript collections in Wikidata, the world’s largest and freely accessible Knowledge Graph (coming soon)
- Participation in a national community of scholarship and research supporting the study of our shared intellectual heritage through collaboration across institutional and regional boundaries
Stay up to date on DS community activities and opportunities.
Sign up here for the DS newsletter.
Become a Friend of Digital Scriptorium
Friends contribute financially to support our mission to provide cross-institutional digital access to their collections of pre-modern manuscripts and enhance access and appreciation of historically significant but often understudied manuscript materials. Your tax-deductible contribution today supports tomorrow’s sustainability of DS’s national union catalog of pre- and early modern manuscripts and ensures open access to member institutions’ data by users around the world. Click here to learn more about becoming a Friend of DS!